


Sleep apnea can be caused by underlying medical conditions or onset by outside factors. If you have one of the following conditions, you may be at risk for developing sleep apnea:


Various medical conditions can contribute to sleep apnea. If you have had a stroke or other forms of trauma to the brain, parts of the brain that help control breathing may be affected. Neuromuscular diseases like multiple sclerosis can also cause sleep apnea since respiratory muscles are weakened. CCHS, a rare genetic condition that affects newborns and young children, is perhaps the rarest cause of sleep apnea. CCHS causes the brain not to signal breathing during both sleep and wakefulness so it is important to monitor your child to see if they have been having difficulty breathing.

Obesity is also a risk factor for sleep apnea. 20% of obese people, as opposed to 3% of the population in a normal weight range, will develop sleep apnea. Fat around the neck pushes in on the throat and reduces the diameter of the airway, while stomach fat can push against the lungs while sleeping and cause the airway to collapse.


Orofacial pain, a disorder that causes frequent pain around the head, neck, and face, can also cause sleep disorders. It is difficult to get comfortable and rest when you are in pain. Orofacial pain is caused by TMD/TMJ, dental conditions such as cavities or abscesses, and conditions that cause neural pain. TMJ is a condition that causes jaw pain while chewing and is often recognized by the jaw locking and making audible clicks. Orofacial pain can be treated with medication, rehabilitation, pain-relieving procedures, and counseling; hopefully, by treating your orofacial pain, symptoms of sleep apnea will be relieved.

Other causes stem from outside factors. Opioids diminish the brain’s ability to regulate breathing which can cause the development of obstructive or central sleep apnea.


Sleep apnea can be dangerous because it is difficult to recognize your own symptoms while you sleep. Oftentimes, someone else will tell you that you snore loudly or gasp in your sleep. You may catch on to certain symptoms, however, such as excessive sleepiness during the day. Other symptoms include:

  • Insomnia: difficulty staying asleep
  • Morning headache
  • Waking up with a dry mouth
  • Difficulty paying attention during the day